Friday, January 1, 2010

What this blog is all about!!!

Reality may be bitter but it should be accepted. I have created this blog to get in touch with my own reality. I wish to come clean and get it all out there. There are numerous occasions when we show only our best to the world so we can be accepted and appreciated. But what about the demons that lurk within us that we are either too proud or too shy to admit. The evil in us makes us forget that we even have such horrible monsters attached to our bed waking with us every morning and sleeping beside us at night. They never quite leave us. Instead they cling to us like the roots to a tree.

I am just a pseudo writer trying to make a mark in the world and attempting to regain my lost dignity. The world has stripped me off of my innocence and beauty making me just another one of those stereotypical people. What am I all about? I even don’t know. I wish to find out the inner complexities of my dark mind that thinks one thing and does another. I also come under the definition of a hypocrite who falls with disgrace every time she pretends to love or loathe. This blog will be treated as a personal psychological diary.

What is truth by your definition? Is it what you have been taught by your parents or your school or is it something that you have just created for your own self by exploring in to the world of the unknown.

One can either fall with vanity or fly with utmost grace in the pursuit of finding the truth. Time teaches us to look beyond the boundaries of existence and come up with reasonable and possible explanations of the experiences which we have encountered throughout our life. But we are never left satisfied. We barely feel we belong in the system. If we think we do we are possibly mistaken. How can we be the pioneers if not the followers? I say create your own system as long as that system doesn’t hinder or affect the lives of those around you.

We are living in a terrible age. In an age where one man is equally corrupt like the other. Both of them fail in introspection. Instead they mock and induce others to the lowest degree of a human form. How often do we judge others and forget our own sins or blunders? The answer is always in our head and we never quite leave us but we wish to ignore it all the more.

I want to be open about my reality and my thinking about the world. I refuse to change the world but I wish to change only myself. The truth as pungent as it may be is after all the epitome of our existence. With all the loot and plundering in the world out there, I wish to remain sane till it’s time for me to say goodbye!